One of the foundational values of Grace Church is that we are COMPELLED TO SERVE. The primary means by which we do that is through our Life Groups who serve the needs of their neighbors and the church as a group. Our church also wants to empower everyone to serve God using their gifts and talents. Click here to let us know areas you'd be interested to serve in.
Part of our Church mission statement is "Restoring lives." We partner with individuals and organizations all over the world to extend the restoring work of Grace Church. Toward that end, we want you to meet our incredible Mission Partners. Each of these were uniquely chosen because of these guiding principles:
We serve with those who can share ministry with us, where we can mutually resource one another and regularly support one another.
We are a unique tribe of faith and for that we are grateful. We partner with folks who are in agreement with our unique church values and vision.
God will one day restore all things and God invites us to take part in that work now. We serve with those who are doing the long haul work to restore systems, families, people and communities.
We have a passion to see the next generation be connected to the gospel.
We seek to partner with those who move people beyond evangelism to deeper places in faith.